Monday, April 11, 2005

The Joys of Early Morning Wake Up Calls

I have a system.

I am used to the alarm going off to a nice, soothing white noise...partly because the station I usually listen to does not come in this far out of civilization. But, regardless, the white noise wakes me up sufficiently enough to be coherent enough to wake martin up when he needs to get up. Simple enough.

Well, Martin decided to mess w/ the alarm clock last night, unbeknownst to me. He changed the nice, soothing white noise to some Spanish station, and turned the volume up to like 50 decibles.

So, this morning, I'm in happy, happy dreamland, and get RIPPED out of it by "JESUSGONZALAZMARYJOSERODRIGUEZ.....AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!"

Let me tell you, you don't know true terror 'til you get woken up from a nice, peaceful sleep, absolutely sure that there is a crazed Mariachi band in your bedroom! So, after I removed my fingernails from the ceiling, and returned back to the ground, I woke martin up, and am now awake.....AWAKE!

Bah.I realize it's been a while since I've posted. I am a slacker. Plus, being unable to go anywhere during the day, I don't have much to write about!! On a side note, Martin made it to Cali over that weekend. After I copied him over a direct quote from PDX's website, he finally believed me about the ID and convinced his mom to overnight mail it.

So, all was well...Anyhow, I promise to be more faithful about writing in this thing...for my friends that get on me every day to provide them w/ some entertainment....okay okay....I assume my role of court jester.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Thanks, but I Think I'll Take the Ice Cream...

There is something really wrong w/ a cake called the "Chocolate Molten Cake" with a hidden "Tunnel of Fudge".

I think I lost all appetite for chocolate cake for a lifetime.

Thanks, Boston Market.