Monday, August 01, 2005

The Wonderful Joys of Being a Fat-Ass

My office chair is broken.

It's missing a wheel. I keep falling to the left everytime I move.

Anyhow...I was thinking today about all those people that say that Pregnancy is the "BEST TIME OF THEIR LIVES!!".

Yeah...they're insane. (sorry, Emily)

I am not a fan. I don't like not being in control of my body, and I don't like feeling like a scene straight out of "Alien".

I feel like doo-doo today. Apparently I can't eat fried food anymore. The parasite tells my body to IMMEDIATELY reject it....which it complies to, in great abundance. This poses a LARGE problem, because:
1. We don't have a Fridge.
2. We don't have a microwave.
3. We NOW don't have a car.
4. Everything w/in walking distance is fast food and/or Wal-Mart.
5. Neither Martin OR I should be walking right now....forseeing either cardiac arrest, or labor.

Joy. God, i can't wait til the 12th...which is when we can actually move into the new place....and it HAS A FRIDGE!! Win-Co, here I come!! I'm going to actually ENJOY grocery shopping, for once!

I feel weird...i really hope it's NOT labor...I got super sick from the fried food, and i'm all achy. I can't remember how I felt w/ arianna. I was so active in THAT pregnancy, and I actually worked the day I had her, mopping a friggen grocery store deli floor at 10 pm, going home, getting labor PAIN, PAIN, PAIN...and going to hospital at 11pm. So, i don't remember how i felt all that day. I was too busy working, and ignoring the obvious, probably. It's harder to do that now, since I'm sitting at home, doing NOTHING, except dissecting every little pain i have.
But, now, since I don't have a car to go to the hospital, and the hospital I'm supposed to go to is about 20 miles away, i have to be DAMN sure it's actually labor before I drag my poor neighbors out of bed to give me a ride. Like i have to be in "screaming bloody murder, threatening to kill martin" pain. I haven't gotten to that point, yet....



Anonymous said...

Yooooooull be ok, I swear. by the way, did my pictures insipre your topic this evening?

Anonymous said...


That's all I'm saying.