Monday, December 19, 2005

It's ALL About the Pronunciation, Honey!

So, Martin and I decided to play "Trivial Pursuit" last night. We got a hankerin' for some board-game goodness...

Martin read me this question (not exact...the card has been lost in the pile of cards, but this is an approximation):

"What socialite drew ire from the public by making shar-pei's bring her espresso maker, gourmet coffee and magazines up to the base camp of Mt. Everest?"

I was so confused.

"Shar-pei's?? She had shar-pei's carry an espresso maker up in the snow?? No WONDER people were pissed. But....SHAR-PEI'S??? Let me see the card!"

SO, I read the card.

"Honey...the word is SHERPAS....NOT shar-peis! Slight difference between the two...
Sherpas are Tibetan Mountaineers...Shar-Pei's are small, wrinkly dogs..."

I had these horrible visions of small dogs dragging their poor, pathetic bodies through the snow, squished under the weight of espresso makers and coffee...

But, was mean of her to do it to the Sherpa's too...

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